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Press Release on the Results of the Donbass Media Forum

Donbass Media Forum The goal of the Donbass Media Forum is the creation of a tolerant media space that rejects hate speech in the Donbass and in Ukraine The Donbass Media Forum is a platform for dialog between regional and international media, cultural initiatives, and civil society organizations aimed at the development of civil society and the strengthening of independent journalism in the region.

The Donbass Media Forum took place in Kyiv from June 6-7.

Nearly 300 representatives of a majority of the region’s editorial offices, journalists, Donetsk State University journalism students and teachers, government officials, as well as international guests and media experts gathered to attend the forum. Participants from Donetsk, Makeevka, Druzhovka, Gorlovka, Lugansk, Kramatorsk, Slaviansk, Konstantinkovka, Mariupol, and other cities engaged in a vigorous discussion about the challenges to independent journalism in the occupied territory. The forum was divided into several panels, each covering critical challenges to journalists in Donbass, and in particular, during a time of war.

The forum was opened by Aleksandr Brizh, the chief editor of the region’s largest newspaper, Donbass, and chair of the Donetsk regional branch of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

Geoffrey Pyatt, the US ambassador in Ukraine, also participated, calling on journalists to continue to report on the situation in Donbass so that the residents of the region – Ukrainian citizens – “as if the fighters weren’t trying to convince us otherwise.”

Vladimir Kipen, chair of the Institute of Social Research and Political Analysis, shared the results of a recent analysis of the information space in the conflict zone. Also among the topics discussed was the Ukrainian media and its role in the information war.

The executive director of the Philip Orlik Institute of Democracy, Svetlana Efremenko, noted problems in Ukraine’s information space under conflict conditions. Participants such as the war correspondent Roman Bochkala and Hromadske.tv’s international correspondent Nataliya Gumeniuk discussed self-censorship which is sometimes practiced by Ukrainian media while covering military actions. A separate panel considered international experience in covering conflict, with participants from Russia, Poland, and Ukraine.

The struggle for survival of Ukrainian media in the occupied territory was examined by Aleksei Matsuka, chair of the board of the Donetsk Institute of Information. Yuri Stets, Ukraine’s Minister of Information Policy was present at the forum, while his deputy, Tatiana Popova, engaged with journalists.

Among Ukrainan government officials speaking at the forum was Irina Geraschenko, Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s advisor on the peaceful resolution of the situation in Donbass. Guests and participants in the forum learned about the methods of Russian TV propaganda through a Propaganda Kiosk.

Alongside the kiosk, participants and guests viewed the Chronology of War, an exposition by the Donetsk-based photographer Sergei Vaganov, “Twitter of Novosti.dn.ua As a Way to Promote News from Donbass” by social media-editor Bogdan Karkachov, and the results of the “Love Donbass” Ukrainian Peacemaking School. Donbass Media Forum participants developed a resolution which called for general principles for covering the conflict in Ukraine’s east for regional and national media, a dialog between regional and international media, cultural initiatives, the media, journalists and civil society organizations, as well as improving the quality of information in regional and national media about the violent conflict in Donbass.

The Donbass Media Forum was organized by the Donetsk Institute of Information with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and with the participation of journalists from Donbass.


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