К основному контенту


Donbas Media-Forum — 2016
Date: June 10-11, 2016
Place: Mariupol State University,
            Mariupol, Budivelnykiv Avenue, 129-a

“Journalism in crisis regions   during the time of changes”

 Arrival — June 9, 2016
12:00 – 18:00

15:30 – 18:00
Arrival, transfer to the place of accommodation
Tour of the city
Informal communication, meeting people, dinner

Day 1 — June 10, 2016
09:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 11:00
 Welcoming coffee, registration of participants and guests
Greetings from organizers and partners of the Forum:
Kostyantyn Balabanov, Olena Styazhkina, Yurgis Vilchinskas, Oleksiy Matsuka

11:00 – 13:00
Panel discussion “Information agression. Combatting disinformation. Counteracting Russian propaganda”
(information as weapons, how to detect fakes, methods of data verification, counteracting information aggression, how to make information available on the occupied territory)
Moderator — Svitlana Yeremenko (Kyiv), media expert, executive director of Pylyp Orlyk Institute of Democracy

Speakers: Diana Dutsyk, executive director  of NGO “Detector Media”; Roman Shutov, programme director, NGO “Detector Media”; Victoriya Kuper, representative of the project “Video as Evidence”,  WITNESS organization; Olha Yurkova and Artem Babak, representatives of StopFake project; Serhiy Takhmazov, TV journalist, TV and cinema cameraman

13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
Panel discussion “MM on liberated territories. Denationalization: how not to lose media”
(specific features of media product promotion on the regional market; why newspapers need electronic versions; financial management; revenue and costs, taxes, calculation of advertising net cost and publication net cost
Moderator — Dmytro Klimanov, Luhansk, Kyiv
Media expert, trainer. Head of “Telegazeta” publishing house in the Luhansk region

Speakers: Borys Rodiyevskiy (Kyiv), media consultant, trainer of the Regional Press Development Institute; Oleksandr Lyuty (Kyiv), media lawyer, RPDI; Valeriya Bukhanova, newspaper “The Berdyanskiye Vedomosti” editor; Lyudmyla Sova (the Zaporizhzhya region), media project “Rayonka” editor; Svitlana Lyashko (the Rivno region), newspaper “The Sarnenski Novyny” editor; Oleksandr Nazarenko (the Chernihiv region), head of all-Ukrainian public organization “Association of Local Press”; Dmytro Shenhur (the Luhansk region), editor of newspaper project “Telegazeta”; Valeriy Horobets (the Kherson region), “The Trudovaya Slava” newspaper editor, “National Association of Journalists” secretary responcible for denationalization issues
16:00 – 16:30
 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00
Master classes (held simultaneously in 5 different rooms)

1. Disinformation. Methods of verifying data

Trainer — Artem Babak, StopFake project journalist, Kyiv

Trainer in the area of media literacy, verification of information on the Internet, graduate of Interlink Academy programme of digital journalism, Germany. Probation at the KyivPost. Worked as an editor of the news  of the site of Internet-TV channel “Grom TV” and as Kyiv correspondent of Odesa regional media.

2.  Local MM survival on liberated territories. Denationalization: how not to lose media

Trainer — Borys Rodiyevskiy, Kyiv
Founder of advertising agency”Agency of Newspaper Advertising”, member of Ukrainian Association of media consultants, one of the leading trainers of the Regional Press Development Institute and News-Ukraine. Author of books “What manager of MM advertising department has to know and be able to do”, and “Sales department: Practical recommendations to the boss”.
Editors of Ukrainian regional media, listed in Panel #2. They will present cases of managing local media.

3.   Technology of journalists' investigations. Problems and risks while conducting quality journalists' investigations

Trainer — Dmytro Hnap, Kyiv

Founder of agency “Slidstvo-Info” (2012), author of special projects against power corruption which were broadcast on “The First National” and Public TV, and were published in media.

4.  Journalism standards in conditions of crisis and information aggression. Observing the Code of Journalism Ethics
Trainer — Diana Dutsyk, Kyiv
Executive director of NGO “Detector Media”. In 2011-2014, editor-in-chief of MediaSapience. Journalist Emeritus of Ukraine. Has more than 20-year experience. Worked as editor-in-chief of a number of Ukrainian MM, in particular, “Glavred” magazine and site, “PiK” site, “Bez Tsenzury” newspaper

5.  Psychological aspects of the work of journalists in crisis regions. How to inform and not to damage
Trainer — Oleh Pokalchuk, Kyiv
Social psychologist, consultant of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, publicist, writer, author of essays about war

6. Conflictology — how and when should journalists employ it?
Trainer — Tetyana Vyhovska-Kamenko, Ivan Kamenko, Egalite International, Kyiv
The content of the training will comprise the basics of conflict solving and conflict analysis   (instruments for journalists), framework and limitations, journalists' role in solving conflicts, dialogues amd mediation, practical cases
18:00 – 18:30

18:15 – 18:45

The first day of the Forum: summing up. Announcements for the 2d day. Informal communication

Presentation of useful initiatives (held in 3 different rooms)
Presentation of the Information Map of the Donetsk region by the analytical center “Donbas: Factoty of Thoughts” (a part of the team of Donetsk regional organization “The Committee of Voters of Ukraine)
Presentation of the project of restoration of Donbas schools by volunteer movement “New Donbas”. Demonstration of their self-made documentary about the restoration of schools
Presentation of the EU project “The voice of local MM” by representatives of media concortium including 5 organisations which implement the project in Ukraine

 Festive dinner

Day 2 — June 11, 2016
09:30 – 10:00
Participants' gathering, morning coffee
10:00 – 10:10
Greeting from the organizing committee, details of the second day of the Forum
10:10 – 12:10                  

Panel discussion “Journalists in crisis regions: launching the dialogue. Overcoming the language of  hostility”
(role of media in launching the dialogue in crisis conditions: what journalists should be guided by not to aggravate the conflict; means of storing and exchanging information for journalists of local MM)

Moderator — Olena Styazhkina, Doctor of History, publicist, public activist
Speakers: Oleh Pokalchuk (Kyiv), Tetyana Vyhovska-Kamenko and Ivan Kamenko, experts of conflictologists' organization Egalite International; Serhiy Ilchenko (Transnistria, Moldova), public activist and blogger; Deyan Anastasievych (Belgrade, Serbia), award-winning journalist and reporter, witness in Slobodan Milosevic case (Belgrade, Serbia); Dmytro Hnap (Kyiv), founder of “Slidstvo-Info” agency

12:10 – 13:00
13: 00 – 15:0
Master classes (held simultaneously in 5 different rooms)

1. Disinformation. Methods of verifying data

2.  Local MM survival on liberated territories. Denationalization: how not to lose media

3.   Technology of journalists' investigations. Problems and risks while conducting quality journalists' investigations
4.  Journalism standards under the conditions of crisis and information aggression. Observing the Code of Journalism Ethics

5.  Psychological aspects of the work of journalists in crisis regions. How to inform and not to damage

6. Conflictology — how and when should journalists employ it
15:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:00
Coffee break
Adoption of the Forum resolution. Summing up.
Closing of the Forum

The day departure — June 12, 2016
08:00 – 12:00
Participants' transfer to the railway station


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