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Second Donbas Media Forum to take place in Mariupol

The second Donbas Media Forum is to take place n Mariupol on June 10-11. The theme of this year’s meeting of journalists from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions is  “Journalism in crisis regions during the time of changes”.

During panel discussions, Donbas Media Forum participants will discuss the ways to ovecorme information blockade on the occupied and liberated territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the ways to counteract disinformation and propaganda, and the ways local media can survive. Several master classes, devoted to journalists’ work in conflict situations are to be held, the speakers will also share their experience and inform the audience about the best media survival techniques. Besides, the venue will enable participants distribute materials concerning their work. The Forum resolution covering the situation with the freedom of speech in the Donbas and recommendations for independent journalism development in the region are to be elaborated and adopted at the end of the event.

According to the words of Oleksiy Matsuka, DMF organizing committee member, head of “Donetsk Institute of Information”, the Forum which is held annually, helps  improve journalism standards and quality in the Donbas. “It is important, especially at the time of crisis, to meet, at least, once a year and to do a kind of “an inspection” of the local media community: to get in touch with those who continue working on the Donbas information field, to understand how we can help each other, and also to control our activity when it comes to observing standards. Professional and ethical standards of journalism are vital now as during this undeclared war we have already had so many examples of using information as weapons to justify aggression, create myths and support intolerance towards certain groups of people. To conduct peacekeeping mission with the help of journalism, it is necessary to start a dialogue between people who work in this sphere. Donbas Media Forum is a wonderful opportunity for such a dialogue. Join in!”, said he.

The organizers of the Forum invited editors, journalists,  heads of advertising department of MM of different forms of property from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, journalists-IDPs, media experts, representatives of media organizations, employees of information services of state power bodies and local self-government of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, representatives of international organizations and media to take part in the Forum.
 Donbas Media Forum is organized by NGO “Donetsk Institute of Information”, International organization “Pylyp Orlyk Institute of Democracy” and NGO “Donetsk Press Club”. The event will take place thanks to Mariupol State University and the financial support of the EU Representation in Ukraine, Internews Networks and USAID.

Contacts: dmf@dii.dn.ua 
066 270 17 13 (Kateryna Zhemchuzhnykova)


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